“Marriage Is Not For You.”
http://cdn1.russellmoore.com/2013/05/wedding-rings.jpg Seth Adam Smith, blogger and husband, recently posted a love letter about his wife. He met her in middle...
http://cdn1.russellmoore.com/2013/05/wedding-rings.jpg Seth Adam Smith, blogger and husband, recently posted a love letter about his wife. He met her in middle...
http://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/mumford-sons-4e1192eca8916.jpg After their show on Sept. 21, Mumford and Sons announced they would be going on an indefinite hiatus. This...
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DS628We0hWg/UXorsL0Yl2I/AAAAAAAAAOA/hB3HXd2ddbo/s1600/ht_trish_summerville_the_girl_with_the_dragon_tattoo_h_and_m_clothing_line_ll_111027_wg.jpg Tons of things influence fashion: the place a person grows up, where they live, the weather in that area...
At the 2013 “Video Music Awards” on Aug. 26, not only did it praise new acts, but it also featured...