Students hit the road for Spring Break travels


Spring break marks the start of warm weather, and for many the start of the best time of year.

Let’s take a look into what students are doing this year for Spring Break:

Junior Mia Schroeder is preparing herself for her senior year, making use of her week off by touring a few colleges she’s interested in attending after high school.

Schroeder will be making a trip to the University of Minnesota and even meeting with a professor while there. Then she will head back down to do a quick tour around the University of Wisconsin.

On another route, freshman Alisa Askiymentiva will be taking her spring break out of the country, braving a 16 hour flight to make her final destination in Japan! Definitely seems worth the wait.

She will be riding the train to other destinations around the country like Tokyo and Kyoto. While in Japan, Askimentiva will be visiting temples and trying out lots of new fun food. 

She’s looking forward to taking in the culture, and also doing some shopping. “I’m most excited for the architecture, but also everything is so cheap in Japan,” she said.

Spring break falls on freshman Braxtyn Harris’s birthday, so he’ll be doing lots of fun things over break, including a trip to Chicago to get a pastry and coffee at the Ralph Lauren Cafe. Harris will clearly be living a life of luxury for the week by also making a couple of pit stops at some of his favorite stores and hopefully picking up a few birthday goodies.

To wrap it all up, senior Rachel Lyubansky will be taking on a pretty active spring break as she goes west to Albuquerque, New Mexico with her family. 

Rachel says her family is pretty active and adventurous. She is mostly looking forward to white water rafting and is excited to get her hike on. 

Hopefully when students get back from spring break, the weather stays on our side and keeps warm, leading on to the summer. In the meantime, make the most of it now!

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