Illinois Flag Commission seeking input on new state flag design


Illinois is changing its state flag for the first time since 1969 and is open to voting for the people of Illinois! 

Tomorrow is the deadline to vote on the Illinois State Flag Commission website for your favorite flag design, where the top submissions from Illinois residents across the state will be taken into consideration by the Illinois State Congress.

“I think flags are really important when it comes to kind of shaping identity and [exploring the question of] what does it mean to be from Illinois?” says social studies teacher Levi Molenhour.

Other states have recently updated their flags as the state seal on a white background (referred to as “A seal on a bedsheet” design) has become outdated. Illinois hasn’t changed their flag since 1969, so is following suit by exploring an update.

“Typically when states have cool flags that are appealing to people, that kind of brings a sense of excitement or patriotism for your specific state,” added Molenhour.

With all of the tension in national politics, Molenhour sees a new flag design as a chance for legislators and their constituents to come together. “Hopefully they’ll do what they are supposed to do and represent the people,” he said.

Make your voice heard. Head over to and vote today!

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