As a senior myself, I can admit that I sometimes get caught up in what’s coming after graduation so much that I forget about the present and focus on my next steps. Regardless of if you’re preparing for college, the workforce, a gap year, or just not sure in general what the next steps are, it’s easy to get caught up in the future. This story is to remind ourselves that we still have time until those plans come to pass! 

Senior Joseph Butts explains how before he graduates he wants to enjoy the time he has left with his friends to make memories and “enjoy it before I walk that stage.” This is not only a common goal that most seniors can relate to, but is something they can accomplish with flying colors.

The people you surround yourself with in high school creates the personalized experience that everyone carries with them after graduation. Sports is a prime example of friendship, teamwork, and working toward a common goal. 

For senior Randi Campe, her goal for the last of her high school career is to leave wrestling with a bang.

“I want to make it to state because it’s my last year, and I just wanna try to make a name for myself. Maybe end up on the wall,” she said, gesturing to the Wall of Records displayed throughout the Oscar Adams Gym. 

In addition to the people around you shaping how your experience in high school is, the things you involve yourself in such as clubs, jobs, hobbies, and interests shape you just as significantly. For example, senior Declan O’Connor is especially excited for the upcoming musical scheduled to debut later this month.

“It’s just a musical I actually like, have enjoyed listening to for a long time. So that’s exciting because that doesn’t usually happen,” he said.

In the end, you never will get another experience like high school, so it’s important not to always be dead focused on the future and next steps. Even if it feels like everything is coming very quickly, don’t scare yourself into missing what’s right in front of you. 

So as we navigate these pivotal steps to set us up for the future, don’t forget to appreciate the present. After all, it is a gift.

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