By: Ruby Pittenger and Lillian Kacich

Urbana’s boys’ soccer team started the season with a shine, advancing to the number 1 seed in the News-Gazette boy’s soccer top 10. Though now at number 8, the team has remained in the top 10 all year.

This is partially due to the positive mindset the team has kept throughout the season, exploring new ways to uplift their teammates.

Senior and co-captain Anthony Becceril has been using new tactics to encourage his team.

“Just keeping a positive mindset and just looking at things with different perspectives this year,” he said.

Fellow co-captain, senior Matthew Bodony, also focuses on keeping a positive outlook on upcoming games.

“I guess I’ve just learned that, even if you don’t feel like you play well one day, it doesn’t have to affect the next game.”

Working as a group is one of the most important parts of being a part of the soccer team, especially for seniors who are working on leaving their younger teammates with some of the best tips and tricks they have picked up throughout their time playing on the team.

“I’m trying my best right now to teach my teammates what to do better and how to improve and things that they aren’t the best in, just helping improve,” said Becceril.

Through the season’s ups and downs, the team has maintained its positive mindset, especially when it took the big win against one of Urbana’s biggest rivals, Central High School.

“Scoring against Central and shushing all the fans that were being negative towards us that blood pumping through your body and all the adrenaline hitting you while you’re 1 man down and scoring,” Becceril recalled with excitement!

Come out to see the team prove their top 10 placing in the next few weeks for their regional games!

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