The school year is waning fast: are you cooking or cooked?
The end of the school year is quite breathtakingly close. Many children here at UHS do not participate in studying for their classes, me being in that category. Though, as finals approach, a large question presents itself: am I cooked?
Studying is a very important attribute of the path of the acquisition of good grades. Unfortunately, many put off this task until the very end of the year, or sometimes never. The result of this makes one “cooked” and not able to achieve good grades in a subject, especially when it comes to finals.
When asked if he was cooked, freshman Ethan Jewett responded with a simple, “Indeed.”
Jewett said that at least he would get higher than a 1 on everything. Clearly he hasn’t been paying attention as we stopped Standards-Based grading last semester. Also, to serve as a reminder, even if you do nothing, you will still get a 50%!
On the other side of the spectrum, there are also a few people who are not cooked, like Freshman Colin Guth, who proudly proclaimed “No, I am not cooked. I possess skills in the fields tested in school. I am cooking and I am confident!”
Children like Mr.Guth show that there is hope for people at UHS.

All in all, most students here at Urbana High School are most assuredly cooked, with very few cooking.
If you can’t start getting on top of your work now due to the school year waning fast, try this summer to start better study habits and staying on top of your work. Next year you can try again and hopefully cook up some deep fried A+’s.