K-9 Dogs sweep the halls of UHS

On February 16th, Principal Jesse Guzman announced in a formal email to UHS students and staff that the State Police K-9 dogs would come “within the next few weeks” to make a hallway sweeps at an undisclosed date.
Today was that day.
During third hour, an announcement was made to alert UHS of the K-9 dog presence and to tell teachers to keep students inside of their classrooms. Dogs could be heard barking and whimpering in the halls quickly thereafter.
The sweeps were originally planned by school administration for the more troublesome middle school, but were expanded as an “extra deterrent” for the high school, according to School Resource Officer Chad Burnett.
Burnett admitted he did not think much would be found, which may be true.
Soon after the sweeps, rumors swirled around how many (if any) students were found with illegal substances.
Administration was not able to confirm or deny these rumors, but did confirm that it took only 15 minutes to sweep the entire building.
They also wrote that there are plans for sweeps in the future.