Meet The Echo – Cambria Johnson
Cambria Johnson was born in Chicago, Illinois but was raised in Champaign-Urbana, where she still resides. She loves watching TV and being creative. She puts her creativity into her writing, whether it be poetry or news articles. Her dream job is to be a writer in some form. Johnson keeps her writing habits by journaling, a useful tool for an aspiring writer.

Johnson keeps salt in her bedroom to help protect against paranormal activity. A fascinating ritual that is also seen in her favorite TV show, Supernatural. She also enjoys thunderstorms, as “they make me feel at peace.”
Her favorite color is purple, which you can almost always find on her person in some way. She also loves animals, especially turtles. Cambria is a feminist who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She uses her strong sense of justice to empower her news articles in The Echo, for her third and final year.