Ways to spend your winter break this holiday season
Winter break is quickly approaching as we head into finals week. Starting December 17th, winter break will officially begin and last until January 3rd.
During the two weeks we have off for the holidays, there are many festive things you can do to celebrate the holiday season!
This Saturday, December 11, Candlestick Lane will be open for viewing starting at 5 pm until 10 pm. There will not be a lighting ceremony this year, however, the streets will not be barricaded, so cars can drive through to look at the different Christmas decorations and lights.
Streets included in Candlestick Lane are:
Eastern Drive from Cottage Grove Avenue to Cole Place
Fairlawn Drive from Cottage Grove Avenue to Patton Place
Grant Place from Fairlawn Drive to Eastern Avenue
After opening, Candlestick Lane will continue to be lit up every evening from 5 pm through 10 pm until New Year’s Day.
Another place you can visit during winter break is Prairie Gardens. During the holidays, the store is filled with holiday decor and Christmas trees. A perfect place to take some holiday themed pictures with the many decorations (just don’t get caught!). It is located at 3000 W Springfield Avenue in Champaign.
There are also festive activities that you can partake in within the comfort of your home! Such as watching holiday movies and drinking hot chocolate. You can also bake Christmas cookies or build gingerbread houses. Activities like these are sure to get you in the holiday spirit!
Whatever you do, make sure to make the most of your time off this winter break.