Its the “finals” countdown
After over a year without final exams, they are set to return this week.
For years, the standard of Urbana High school has been a 20% final, but because of the new No Zero policy there has been a change. The 20% figure has been cut in half to reduce the impact it may have on students’ grades.
Senior Willem Allenye was excited by the new change. Allenye said “Having less weight on the grade causes less stress.” That seems to be the consensus between the people who have experienced the 20% finals.
When asked if Urbana should return to no finals both Allenye and senior Hannah Null were opposed. “It makes sure you actually have learned something over the semester,” Null said.
Underclassmen who haven’t ever taken a final had a more negative outlook. Sophomore Lily Wells said they are “very stressful, and for overachievers, it burns them out.”
Like them or not, finals will begin tomorrow. Need help getting around? See below for the schedule for this week.