Teacher Spotlight: Alyssa Black

English teacher Alyssa Black is from Portage, Indiana on the coast of Lake Michigan. In high school, her favorite classes were choir, photography, and english. During her high school career, she sang in several musicals, but didn’t let her love of music stop there.
When she graduated from Indiana University Northwest in Gary, Indiana in 2015, Black continued to write poetry and decided to put it to music. She has been the lead singer of several punk rock bands. When she moved to Illinois in 2019, it became difficult to find people interested in forming a punk band, but music is still an important part of her life.
Currently Black’s hobbies include baking, biking, reading, writing, and playing Assassin’s Creed. Read on to find out more about one of our most unique teachers!
Favorite Food:
Favorite Book:
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Favorite Movie:
Wayne’s World
Why did you decide to become a teacher?
My fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Betty Turley, used to wear sparkly sweaters and giant earrings. She loved to play her accordion and sing songs about how ‘math and science go together like a great alliance.’ She made every day so fun! I hope to one day be even half as interesting and amazing as her. I became a teacher to be like my role model.
What’s your favorite memory of teaching?
I used to teach at a high school that had homeroom every Wednesday morning. In homeroom we always did character building activities and chatted about life. My favorite memories of teaching definitely include some of the times spent with my homeroom students. That might be the only part of teaching in Indiana that I miss, though. UHS is the best!
What’s your favorite part about UHS and why?
I remember when I first started subbing here, before the pandemic. I attended a student convocation in the gym which was a celebration of Black lives. There were dancers and singers, and a young UHS student poet who was completely inspired, passionate, and amazing! When I saw that performance, I knew I wanted to teach here. Any school that fosters that much creative expression is a place I wanna be. Students, you amaze me with your talent.
One thing people may not know about you?
“I love to bake at home. My favorite thing to bake is sourdough bread.”
If you could meet any three famous people, who would they be and why?
One, Mark Mothersbaugh (frontman of the band, DEVO) – It is my outlandish and unlikely fantasy to talk the guys into forming DEVO 3.0. When I meet Mark, I think maybe I can talk him into it.
Two, Kim Gordon (bassist and singer of the band, Sonic Youth) – I remember when I first heard Daydream Nation by Sonic Youth. I thought there was no way that any music would ever be as good as what I just heard. If I could, I would love to meet Kim and ask her about her creative process.
Three, Tobias Forge (frontman of Ghost) – I just love the theatrical nature of Ghost’s performances. If I met Tobias, I would love to ask him how the band comes up with their stage shows and personas.