Student Spotlight: Jeremiah Hamilton

I sat down with Jeremiah Hamilton, a senior, and track runner at Urbana High School. Here is what makes him the unique athlete he is.
Q.) When did you start track?
A.) Around 5th grade
Q.) What’s your favorite food?
A.)I like soul food?
Q.) Are you excited about college?
A.) I am. I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Q.) What is your favorite event to run?
A.) I like the 200 a lot.
Q.) What is the best race you think you have had and why?
A.) When I placed in state for the 200. The top three people, myself included, made a deal to beat the kid that was going for the most medals.
Q.) If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be with.
A.) I’d say Karlous Miller, a comedian.
Q.)Do you have any pets?What are their names?
A.) Yes, two dogs named Laila and Max.
Q.) What are your plans for after college?
A.) Work for a few years at either a corporate office for The Home Depot or go to nike, go back to get my MBA.