Student spotlight: Brianna Manuel
So, I interviewed sophomore Brianna Manuel, also a fan of Supernatural and mythical things like myself. Her answers may surprise you.

What is something you can’t live without? And why?
An animal companion because I’ve always had animals since I was a kid and now I don’t know how to function without them
Favorite song?
“Why’d You Only Ever Call Me When You’re High” by Arctic Monkeys
Biggest fear?
Dream job?
If you could leave and never come back what place would you go?
The Bahamas because it seems like a really nice place and it’s out of America…. I could have a whole new identity there if I wanted.
Favorite food?
Crab Legs
If you were on death row what would your last meal be?
My mom’s pork chops and mashed potatoes with gravy
Do you still have a favorite childhood toy?
I have a stuffed bunny that smells like chocolate
Team Aphrodite or Team Persephone?
Team Persephone
Favorite demigod?
Orion because he just seems cool. I know more about him because of the constellation
Favorite mythical creature?
Dragons because they are really cool and can breathe fire. I love fire, plus it would be really cool to fly on one!