Q&A: Lemond Peppers
I interviewed Lemond Peppers, former Student Engagement Advocate at Urbana High School. Though he no longer works there, he is still making sure to keep in touch with the youth!

1) Why did you want to work at Urbana High School?
The reason why I wanted to work at Urbana High School was because of the position of Student Engagement Advocate (or S.E.A.) because it allowed me to work with students and families in a non-traditional sense, meaning I would be involved with students, their parents, teachers, in a fluid motion. Which can allow me to assist students with grades, emotional work, and not being stuck to help in one area.
2) What made you decide to leave Urbana High school?
I applied for a position with the city of Urbana, which still allows me to work with students. Actually part of my job description is working with students in District 116. It does allow me to work up further in my career. I’m in grad school right now, so it’s an opportunity to get grad school paid for the next few semesters. It also allows me to let me spend more time working from home. There was also a pay raise so I was a little more encouraged for that, and the ability to work with kids at a government level.
3) Do you think it was a good decision for you to take this new job?
Absolutely, absolutely!
4) Did your family support this decision?
Absolutely, all of them want new stuff now! I keep telling them I’m broke.
5) How is the new job so far? Do you like it?
You know, I love it. It gives me a chance to learn how city government works. I think sometimes we know, but there is a lot lot more behind it than most would realize. Citizens have a lot more authority than I think they realize. So I love it and I still get to work with many of my former students, such as yourself.
6) What do you not like about your new job? Or what do you not have any more?
Most of them offer me the opportunity to work with younger people, which I love. What this job does is it teaches me more about the government, so it’s showing me how that works, which is intriguing. What I don’t like about my job is working for the city, I have to be very careful when I email, call, and text people, because of the freedom of information act. Anything that I email or text can always be requested by the public.
7) What does your new job entail?
So my new job is kinda two fold: first half is I will be a city representative and working with a group called the Civilians Police Review Board or CPRB. What that does is handle complaints and appeals that citizens have against the Urbana Police Department.
I will also get to work with the community as far as trying to improve the relationship between the Urbana police and citizens, especially the black community. Then I get to work with myself, getting comfortable with working with students in all of the Urbana 116 District, not just the high school.
Lemond Peppers has done a lot for many students at Urbana High School, and even though he might not be in the building anymore, he still does very much to help our youth throughout Urbana.
Congratulations on your new position, Mr. Peppers!