For which stream do you scream?
From the moment streaming services launched world wide with Netflix in 2007, they have continued to grow and become more and more popular with people everywhere. With different companies creating their own streaming services in an attempt to catch up with Netflix, who is the favorite?

Senior Juan Maldonado prefers “Hulu at the moment because of the animes.”
For senior Will Eubig, it all comes down to what’s up-to-date. “Probably Hulu since it’s got some current shows,” he says.
For junior Tristin Taylor, it’s all about original content. “[Netflix] has good Netflix originals and they make movies for every season,” he says. Senior Kevin Marcym also apprecitates the “accessibility and variety” of Netflix.
Senior Kody Neathery said he “would have to go with Netflix because it has more of my favorite shows.”
Though variety is important, some people just need one show to make it worth it. It was no surprise when senior Nicholas Probst also voted for Netflix.
His reason? “Because the Office.”
Clearly, even 12 years after its release, Netflix still holds its position of champion of streaming services.