Should finals always be final?
At Urbana High, students are taught from freshman to senior year that finals will determine final grades. They are administered...
At Urbana High, students are taught from freshman to senior year that finals will determine final grades. They are administered...
From the moment streaming services launched world wide with Netflix in 2007, they have continued to grow and become more...
It’s been a hard year for many people. Things seem more chaotic than they’ve been in a long time: political...
The game everybody had been waiting on came and went on Tuesday: the first home game against cross-town rivals, Centennial...
It comes down to that time of the school year, what all the students and teachers are ready for: it’s...
During the 2018-2019 school year, then-Urbana Superintendent Donald Owen was removed from his position as Urbana School District Superintendent in...