Single on Valentine’s Day?
No boo this year? No problem! Believe it or not, Valentine’s Day isn’t only made for couples. You can have plenty of fun while single, too.
One of the best ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day if you are without a significant other is to just spend it with your best friends.
Also, you can still pop out this Valentine’s Day without someone on your arm. Dress up with your friends and go out for a nice dinner. It might be even more fun than if you went with a date!
You can still treat yourself this February 14th! Go out and splurge on something, whether it be clothes or food, whatever makes you happy. Or if you’re spending it with your friends you can do a gift exchange! Think “Secret Santa” except replace the snowflakes with hearts.
Honestly, if you just got over a break-up and just want to sulk this Valentines Day, that’s okay too! Blast your favorite sad playlist and eat some chocolate; this holiday doesn’t always have to be a happy one.
So whether you are boo’d up this Valentine’s Day or not, celebrate in a way that makes you happy!