New superintendent search continues
Students and administration alike have strong opinions on the lasting impacts of the removals.
Sophie Rasmus, junior at Urbana High School has not noticed a significant change since the superintendents have been removed. “It seems like nothing has changed this semester. If I didn’t already know we had a new superintendent, I never would have noticed.”
“There are still fights happening, a solution hasn’t be found yet” says Stav Kramer, junior, regarding the changes made so far this semester.
Students may be pessimistic about the changes, but Administration are hopeful about them.
“I think Dr. William’s presence has really restored some [community members’] faith in the district and in the changes that have been implemented,” says Deloris Brown, Principal of Urbana High School.
She explains that a major goal that was set for the future of the school was “reducing referrals, especially towards the under advantaged students coupling with restorative practices.”
New policies that were set do not seem to have made very noticeable changes in the school.
Senior Joelle Busby has noticed that “kids are sent to RU, which is essentially the same as DRA. This policy seems really loose on who goes and who doesn’t.”
Busby also notes that “the radical change to restorative practices which is proven to work with structures and proper implementation was introduced in a disorderly way that triggered disorder in the school.”
Currently, the district is searching for a new Superintendent with the hope that restorative practices will still be in place for next year.