Urbana High School college tracker part I
With only one semester left standing between seniors and graduation, the Urbana class of 2019 has their eyes on the future. For many, that means college. After a first semester filled with applications, this semester many are waiting for or receiving their results.

Senior Dandi McCartney applied to numerous colleges, but says Jacksonville University is one of her top choices. McCartney, who wants to someday be a marching band director, says, “They have a really good music ed program, which is one of the main reasons I applied.” McCartney also says she chose JU for the little things, like, “The fact that it is far from home means I can have freedom and independence, and the weather is really nice in (Jacksonville) Florida, which is good for me because I hate Illinois winters.”
Senior Marlee Glenn is still waiting on application results from several schools she applied to, but she has already heard back from one of her top choices, the University of Missouri. Glenn says that the main reason she applied to Missouri was because, “It’s just a good fit, academically and socially.” Glenn says, “Their physical therapy pre-program is ranked very high[ly], so I think that will be a great place to start my process of becoming a physical therapist.”
Senior Edith Yaos has applied to over 15 schools and has yet to hear back from several of them, but does know that she got into the University of Illinois, which according to her, was “somewhere near the top of my list.” Since Yaos applied to so many colleges, she thought it was nice that the U of I had an early application option, because then it was one less application she had to worry about going further. Yaos also says, “I applied for a lot of little reasons, too. They have lots of majors, a simple application process, I would only have to pay in-state tuition, and overall it is just a really good academic institution.”
As more students find out from the colleges they’ve applied to, we will be covering who got in, what school they got into, and why they applied there, so be sure to check back in!