Proposed tardy policy changes for 2019
On Wednesday, December 5th, students were pulled by UHS administration from PE, health, and driver’s education classes to hear of proposed policy changes for next semester intended to discourage tardiness.
The changes included requiring students who arrive at school more than 30 minutes late to enter using Door 9. Students must then provide a doctor’s notice, court notice, or excuse from a parent or guardian for their tardiness. If they fail to do so, they must remain in the RU room until their tardy is confirmed by a parent or guardian.
Another proposed change is that Tardy slips will now only be given through Linda Murphy in the old dean’s office, not through hall monitors. Additionally, students who remain in the hallway for more than six minutes after the bell rings will be sent to RU for the remainder of the period.
These policies come as the latest in a long line of changes intended to overhaul the school’s discipline system.