Supreme Court controversy over Kavanaugh
Update: Kavanaugh was officially appointed to the Supreme Court on Saturday, October 6, after an FBI investigation found him not guilty of the sexual assault accusations made against him in the trial last week. He was confirmed with 50-48 vote.
The Supreme Court has dominated the political sphere discussion over the past couple of weeks, pondering the future of one man: Brett Kavanaugh. The Supreme Court Justice nominee has endured grueling panels of questions regarding the sexual assault claims against him dating back to his high school and college years.
Christine Blasey Ford, the only woman to testify against Kavanaugh up to this point, recalled her experiences from high school in a heartfelt, emotional speech that hit home for many Americans. It was clear during the questioning that Kavanaugh was rattled by the accusations, feeling his reputation was being attacked, claiming innocence when asked about the past.
The key moment of the trial occurred on Friday, September 28. When it appeared everything was wrapped up, with the Senate about to give their vote, the tides turned. Republican Senator Jeff Flake, from Arizona, announced that he would like the FBI to investigate the accusations, spurring an investigation into Brett Kavanaugh.
Senator Flake, who is not running for reelection next year, made the significant decision to side with the democrats, giving them a six to five advantage on the Senate Judiciary Committee, forcing an FBI investigation.
The investigation concluded on Thursday, October 4 with the Senate planning to release the final decision Saturday, October 6.
This issue has suddenly divided the nation as some feel the allegations have no proof to them and are outdated, while some feel that with all the recent news about sexual assault, Kavanaugh should not be allowed a seat on the Supreme Court.
Overall, this has been a very controversial issue further dividing the republican and democratic parties with a much awaited decision upcoming that will have a major impact on the lives of every American.