PSAT/NMSQT for juniors
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is a standardized test provided by The College Board and co-sponsored by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Juniors who have volunteered will be taking this test all day on Wednesday October 10th.
Though optional, the PSAT is very helpful for the real SAT in May, as well as some other advantages related to college. “I’m taking it to prepare for the real SAT and also because if I do particularly well, it can get me some financial aid,” says junior Michael Tessene.
Others see the benefit as a way to prepare for the real testing in the spring: “I’m taking it so it can prepare me for the spring testing,” says junior Nymeer Caston.
Tionna Winn, like Tessene and Caston, sees this as preparation, but is not stressed about it. “I’m really calm about it because I know it’s just for practice,” she says.
Taking the PSAT last year also has students feeling calm. “I took the PSAT sophomore year, and it was pretty easy, so I’m not too stressed about it,” says Tessene.
Caston says, ”I’m not nervous about this test but I am extremely nervous about the real one because it will determine what college I go to.”
Even though students aren’t stressed, they’re still taking opportunities to prepare. “I will use my practice booklet I got from last year and spend some quality time with it,” says Caston.
Tessene adds, ”I think just understanding the structure of the test and where my academic strengths and weakness are will help me be a better test taker and help my score grow.”
Goodluck Juniors, just do your best!