Popular Halloween candy
Halloween is a day made for candy.
According to a 2013 study by Coupon Follow, the average kid consumes about 3 cups of sugar on Halloween. You know what that means? Candy sales skyrocket this time of year. According to Vox.com, $2.63B was spent on candy during Halloween 2015.
A survey was conducted to find Urbana High School’s favorite Halloween candy. The results will probably not shock you.
Top Candy
- Butterfinger 8.8%
- Gummies 9.9%
- Skittles 12.1%
- Reese’s 15.4%
- Kit Kats 17.6%
Top General types
- Chocolate candy 64%
- Candy with nuts 33%
- Fruit & Gummy candy 27%
Candy with only 1 vote
*Candy Corn
*Now and Laters
Hopefully after seeing these you’ll have an easier time choosing what candy to hand out on Halloween (or at least what candy to buy if you want to share with your peers!).