Junior immigration assembly
Written by: Cleo McGee and Brianna Jones
In America every immigrant has a story to tell, and at last week’s Immigration assembly, UHS students heard these stories from people who’ve experienced it.
English teacher Alyssa Pavlakis, who set up the assembly explains, “We set up the immigrant assembly several years ago so that students could hear the real perspectives of immigrants in their own community. I think that during the assembly everyone’s story was valuable and that hearing different perspectives help us grow as people.”
“I thought it was very cool to hear about their stories and i think we should allow immigrants in the united states because it’s only fair because we get to travel around freely,” says junior Boe Dunlap.
“I thought it was a really good idea and it gave students a glimpse of what immigration is actually like and how they overcame their experience,” states junior Jazz Broda.
Overall, students and staff enjoyed the experience. Immigration is important to the world and their stories have an impact on our society.