Fight or Flight by Garrett Campbell
How do you resist terrorism,
Some could say to run.
Some would say to fight
But when you hear the snap of a bullet
Or the burst of a bomb
What would you do
Fight or flight what would you choose
This war began with the screams of innocent people
The smoke so thick, that you could cut it with a knife
But what do you do
When the air is black and you can feel a blaze approaching you
Do you stay calm or jump
But you hear the roar of the turbine engine
And like that it was over
Now we are on your ground fighting for what
We achieved our goal, because Osama is no more
What would you choose
Fight or flight what would you choose
27 years of constant conflict
Some say the war is over
But others say it has just begun
The conflict is not over
The war has been here since 1991
When will it end, when we take flight or when they do
But to us running is something we don’t do often
Many innocent people dying on foreign soil due to our fights
Are we terrorising them
Have the counter terrorist become terrorist in their eyes
Or are these just more public lies
Peace, love, and happiness
That’s what people expect in the world
But when the time comes,
When you have to step up
What would you do fight or flight.