Help the homeless!! Homeless need a place to be safe and warm
According to, in the United States, over 564,708 people are homeless and trying to find a place they can call home. National Coalition for the Homeless says that seven hundred people experiencing or at risk of homelessness are killed from hypothermia annually in the United States.
Over 188 homeless people live in Champaign County, and with the recent freezing temperatures, we need to provide them safety.
The Salvation Army has been trying to provide that safety. At 2212 North Market Street in Champaign, they run warm shelter that is open from 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Additionally, they will help people to find a place during the daytime or will try to find a hotel for them for the night if local shelters are full.
The Salvation Army is trying to help the homeless to stay warm and out of the cold air. They want more people to help bring them to warm places, so they can be safe from the cold and not be at risk of dying outside alone.
CU Canteen Run, which is an organization that provides homeless people with clothes and foods, is also helping and advises, “If a homeless person comes up to you in distress you can call 911 or Carle [hospital]. To help them, you should call Salvation Army to find them a place to stay warm.”
CU At Home states “Talk to homeless people, and have a friend or adult that you know, don’t go by yourself and if they ask for money buy them food or drinks and talk to them. You can call us or the police to get them to a place warm to sleep at night.”
Next time you see a homeless person outside in bad weather, imagine that it’s you or someone you love. Do the right thing and help.