Habitat for Humanity Club Spotlight

When community members are in a housing crisis, one club comes in to help.
Habitat for Humanity is a club at Urbana High School that is sponsored by the Habitat for Humanity of Champaign County. Habitat helps families with a low income to build safe housing.
Habitat for Humanity has been around since 1976, started by Millard Fuller and his wife Linda Fuller. The Fullers started Habitat for Humanity as a community farm. Here, the Fullers decided to have “partnership housing,” which is where everyone helped out and built a fresh new house.
David Dutton, one of the sponsors of Habitat For Humanity, explains why owning a house is so important, “If people have a house that they can own, then they can plant their own family and community.”
The best words of why people joined Habitat comes from the members of Habitat for Humanity.
“One of my close family friends, she was in Habitat, and she went on the Mississippi trip and it completely changed her view, she was a whole different person” says Claire Lambeth, senior.
The best words of what people did in Habitat comes from former members of Habitat.
“As a very involved member of Habitat, I attended the weekly meetings, Saturday local builds, fundraising at farmer’s market, and helped organize shirts and other things for the club.” Stated Sophie Diers, student at University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Whenever someone is in need such as they don’t have a house remember to help them out at any time.

Habitat for Humanity meets on Fridays at 7:30 AM and at 3:20 PM in Mr. Foley’s room, if you have any questions speak to Mr. Foley in room 2177.