Urbana High School’s Future Farmers of America, or FFA, has been having trouble with animals.


Michael Gourley doesn’t remember too many details about last year’s homecoming pep assembly, but he does remember witnessing the goat relieving herself.


FFA Advisor Dr. Joni White says, “Last year, we had a goat donated for the pep assembly for ‘kiss a kid’ fundraiser.  When she was brought into the very loud pep assembly, she got a little scared, so she urinated and defecated on the gym floor. It was all due to fear.”


The FFA fears that this incident is what they’ll be remembered for, not the fundraisers, volunteer hours, or environmental science work they are doing.


The FFA has been working all season to set up their triumphant return.


FFA meets every Tuesday before school.
Help the cure the curse: join FFA.

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