Class Color Day Disaster
Every year Urbana High School goes all out for Spirit Week. The students at UHS assign a day of the week for class color day because the school no longer endorses it. This is all because the Class of 2014 took class color day to another level.
During class color day, the older classes plot to tag the younger ones, and vice versa. In the year 2014, the seniors just decided to tag the school, not knowing the serious consequences behind that.
One former student says, “Tagging the school wasn’t the plan. We was only going to TP the school, then everybody started to get reckless and decided to spray paint everything.”
The next day the administration found out, and the students that were involved were called down to the office and suspended for their actions.
Principal Matthew Stark says, “Class color day was used to intimidate other classes, however that day it seemed okay to vandalize and haze. No way I can support that.”
Since then, class color day has not been permitted officially at UHS. Yet, somehow students still keep the tradition of class color day alive.
This is just stupid good thing that class color day got banned come on people vandalism is illegal just learn it!