Social Media’s Effect on Teens
Whether it’s Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, or Facebook, practically everyone in this day and age is active on some sort of social media.
Social media is defined by Merriam Webster as “Forms of electronic communication through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages and other content.” If you are living in this generation, it is likely that you already know this. In fact, it is likely that you use social media multiple times a day. According to a study conducted by Everydaylife, 70% of today’s teens use social media.
Social media sites has been proven to have both positive and negative effects on teenagers. Erin Ludwick, a dean at Urbana High School, is herself a social media user. While she enjoys utilizing social media, she also addresses the fact that the use of social media can be used to create conflicts with others.
“As a dean, I spend more time than I wish I did trying to work through conflicts that start between students on social media,” Ludwick said. “Social media makes it easier for others to get involved in a conflict that isn’t theirs.”
Ludwick isn’t the only one to express concerns regarding social media. According to a study conducted by The Huffington Post, constant internet use has been linked with depression and unrealistic body image.
Makinzi Jones, sophomore, states that social media apps such as Instagram and Tumblr can cause negative body image issues in modern teens.
“Society and social media just puts this image into people’s heads that they have to be a certain way, or else they’re not pretty at all,” Jones said.
While some may see social media as more trouble than it is worth, others utilize social media to stay connected with society in a way that was never before possible. Social media can allow for creative expression, especially on sites such as Instagram and Tumblr. Teens can also appear anonymous, which allows them to discuss issues that may be too awkward or personal to share in face-to-face discussion.
Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook can also be used as news outlets. Where physical newspapers are falling out of style, online news outlets provided through social media allow information to be passed quicker, and allows people to connect with their societies in a way that would not otherwise be possible.
Alyssa Sullivan, junior, is one of many teens who feels that social media does more good than possible harm. She claims that she, like many others today, utilizes Twitter as a source of news.
“I think it’s a great platform for people to connect with others, across the world, that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to connect with,” Sullivan said.
Bailey Berg, senior, is in agreement with Sullivan.
“I think it’s positive because it can be used to connect with old friends,” said Berg.
Whether you are a fan of social media or not, there is no denying the global phenomenon that it has created. According to Social Media Today, “Social media users have risen by 176 million in the last year.” This means that social media is only getting bigger. If you are a fan of social media, you are certainly not alone. With that in mind, the only thing that people who utilize social media have left to do is to be aware of the effects that these sites are having on them, both in the short-term and in the long-term.
“I feel like sometimes, people do not think about what they choose to share as much as they used to,” said Ludwick. “I think that social media helps us stay connected, but I also think it has some negative impacts.