Sparkman Middle School Assault Raises Question for Everyone
The Sparkman Middle School case was a shock for everyone. People had to learn that school might not be safe for their kids anymore.
The case was on a boy who was accused of raping girls in the school bathroom. It happened in 2010 but was not reported till 2014.
Students told teachers, but the teachers couldn’t do anything. So, one of the teachers got a special needs student to be the “bait” because he wanted to catch the boy in action. The girl was 14 years old at the time, and the boy that was accused was in high school and 16 years old. The teacher aide, June Simpson, told the principal what the other students were saying the boy was doing. The principal said that the boy couldn’t be disciplined because he was not caught in the action, so Simpson got the idea to use a student as “bait”. Simpson told the student that teachers would stand around to help the student if anything happened. The student did not want to do this but the teacher persuaded the student to do so. But, the teachers were not able to help the student and the student got raped, according to
I can only imagine how the people of their community feel, especially the parents and the staff that work at the school. So, I had the idea to ask the social worker at Urbana High School, Ronda Driscoll, some questions on the situation. Her first thought was, “I will say I was disgusted and in disbelief that any grown-ups, especially school employees, would come up with that.” Her second thought was, “I would be very sad for the child’s family, the whole community, and mostly just sad.” Her final thought was, “No, I can’t believe they would use any student, especially a special needs student.”
The reason I asked the social worker at UHS these questions is because she has a different outlook on things, because she has seen things that some people haven’t.
The case is still going on, and it is still tragic to hear that a teacher had to play a big part in this event. This raises questions for parents around the world. It makes people think, if we can’t trust our kids with teachers, then you can we trust them with? The story was a shock to everyone and everyone wants to know how it will end.