Some UHS Students to Join Military After Graduation
UHS Students Join U.S Military
Planning to go to the military can be a lifelong decision that can change everything. But, it can also change you for the better. Some students at Urbana High School have been talking about going for a while because they want to, or they feel like they have to serve a purpose in helping others fight for our country.
Earlier this year, the National Guard sponsored a football game at UHS, and they wore camouflage jerseys that had their regular jersey number on them.
Every now and then, UHS does have people who will come in and have meetings with students about their future and what they need to know about the military forces. So far this year, they have had the National Guard and the Marines.
“I want to go into the Navy or Marines because it is in the family, but also I chose to go as well,” said Senior Cameron Olmstead.
Some students are going into the Army; there also have been many others who have graduated from UHS who are in the military as well.
“When you go, you’re a part of a big family forever, for the rest of your life,” Olmstead added.
When you go to the military, there are so many things that can change you as a person; you might appreciate things more often, or even see the better in things, or even the fact that things could be way worse. You never know how much you appreciate your family, and how much people really mean to you until you get back.
“Hopefully I leave in the summer, nothing is set in stone, but I have no fears besides the fact I will really miss my family,” Olmstead said.
It may be hard to leave your family, but in the end you know it was for a good purpose.