Journalist Reflection: Impact of Childhood Experiences
The way a child grows up or is raised may not be the same way that they are once they move away from home. There are many different scenarios where the child has changed into being a bad kid growing up, or even growing up being a good kid surrounded by positive things and having a good lifestyle, but then moving away from home and being put out in the real world, where things fall into place for the bad.
One story is a woman who was 17 who had a baby boy. The little boy had his father, his grandma and all his father’s side of the family. The mother on the other hand, her mom was abusive growing up, and her dad died when she was six. Her older brother had heart problems growing up, also a small drug issue, the middle sister had no problems, just with boys, and her younger sister had a very big drug problem, both selling and consuming.
Before having this interview, the woman stated that she would like to be anonymous.
When raising her little boy, she never thought he would get into these things, but growing up, once he hit middle school he started getting into weed, both selling and consuming. Then once he hit the age of 20, he stole from a bank because he had a child and had no way to get by. The bank filed no charges because they knew he needed the money because his child’s mother was not in the picture.
“I raised my children to always tell the truth, regardless if it would get them in trouble or not. It’s better to be told a truth and deal with the consequences then let me find out they lied and things could be worse,” said the woman.
Doing some research I found out that on the most common reason for kids doing these things are because they have anxiety or depression. When this boy was 30 he was diagnosed with anxiety. The doctors had no idea why, and still to this day they have no explanation.
The mother also added, “He was never around people smoking pot or doing any other drugs whatsoever. My family members, as in my sister and brother, both smoked pot, did cocaine, and prescription drugs. For that exact reason is why I did not allow my children around them.”
There are many other stories that individuals may have to deal with like this, but they are all different in some way. This one stands out because of the simple fact that he was never around it.
“What made my little boy change is when his father and I got divorced and the child started to stay with his father by himself at night without supervision. So, he has more time to get into different things that he wouldn’t have gotten away with living with me,” the mother said.
The child moved in with his dad around the age of 13 because the mother got pregnant with her second child by another man, and it was too much on the mother, living almost 30 miles away. When he moved in with his father the boy started to sell drugs, smoke, and drink with friends all the time. Eventually he got caught, and his parents had no suspicion of it at all.
Within the past year, the man has been going to his aunt who is a prescription pill addict and has been doing things along those lines.
Recently, now 17 years later, the man who now has two little boys and one child on the way is happily married. He got a job working at parts store, and the manager and him had tension. The manager claimed that an account was made under a party that this employee was connected to. But the only thing is, the names were spelled wrong. The manger from this place has stolen money from the drawers once before. This is not a proven fact, but it is all “he said, she said”. Another co-worker who used to work there as well said that he saw it with his own eyes. But, it has not been proven by cameras. But, the manager has been blaming it on others. The man got blamed for stealing almost $13,000.
Around two weeks ago, the cops showed up at the man’s house and decided that they were going to press charges; the man was told that action is going to be taken and he is at risk of about five to 15 years in prison. This put the man in shock; but not only just him, his wife, his 11-year-old son, his three-year-old son, his mother, his sister and all his family.
“The whole situation makes me very sad because it is beyond my hands. All I can do is watch without being able to help. But, at the same time, I don’t like any of this, but if my child did this they must pay the consequences for their actions. Doesn’t help me or the rest of the family while we are hurting, while I would hope everyone involved would learn the experiences. Even the younger siblings learn a great deal about what is right and wrong, all up close and personal,” the mother said.
Including having the cops come to him, he also got fired from his job he was working for at the time. He now sits at home just watching the clock tick on till this moment can happen.
No court date has been set up yet and no arrest has been made.
“I’m hurt and mad all at the same time. One, because my child might have done this, I honestly do not know, he asks for money all the time and I know going from job to job the last year he needs it, but at the same time I’m mad because he knew better and not only put my family members at risk, his siblings, and also his children,” the mother said.