Faulty Equipment Causes Stress for UHS Students
As a student we are expected to lock up our valuable items. But, when our lockers are broken, how do we keep them safe? Recently at Urbana High School students have started breaking into lockers in the P.E. locker rooms.
During the beginning of the school year the boys were complaining about theft from their P.E. lockers.
UHS Senior, Gentre Ross, said, “The fact that it happened twice was bs.”
Later it was found that many of the lockers in the room were not latching correctly, making it that much easier for items to be taken. When the administration went in to check each individual locker, a total of 13 lockers were found to be broken.
UHS Principal, Matthew Stark, says, “We don’t assign the broken lockers and are doing what we can to fix the problem.”
In addition to the boy’s locker room being broken into, the girls started to have problems as well. However, no one brought this to Amy Boscolo’s attention.
UHS P.E. teacher, Amy Boscolo, says, “There are no reports on the girls locker room. If we aren’t aware, we can’t fix it.”
Another problem with the locker break-ins is how it’s effecting students grades. Some students have been marked down for not being able to dress due to having items stolen. This is making a lot of students upset.
Boscolo says, “It goes on a case by case basis. They have to tell the teacher what happened and usually it will go in as a no count.”
This is something that the department plans to discuss at the next meeting.
Even though students can’t help the break-ins, they can help prevent the theft. Students need to remember to lock up their valuables the best they can to keep them safe! At the time of the interviews administration did not have any comments.