Evolution of Bullying: Thoughts to All Involved
Within the past 20 years, bullying has changed from putting a student into a trashcan, going home and crying, to kids committing suicide. According to www.bullyingstatistic.org, there are around 4,400 kids who commit suicide due to bullying, and around 100 kids who attempt it. This only applies to the United States.
Twenty years ago, bullying started off as that “one kid” who was always bigger than everyone and made fun of him or her by taking their lunch money, or just picking on them all the time during the day at school. Then when they got home it would all be over. It was on a face-to-face interaction with the bully and victim. When you got home you could easily avoid that person; it was just harder in school.
Around ten years ago, it was all the popular kids making fun of the people who were “different” because they did not have the things that everyone else had, or just did things different that not everyone else did. Also, bullying started to go from face-to-face to a dynamic setting, and it wasn’t always that victim to a bully. It was usually a big group vs. one person.
Now, in 2014, it never happens face-to-face, unless it is really immature comments that and hurt that person. It usually happens behind the face of a screen. According to an article read on Chicago Now, reasons why this may happen in schools now, or has became a bigger issue, is because of budget cuts in school [not just indicating at UHS], but the classes are much bigger and you can’t have that one on one time with the teacher. Other reasons they said were that parents do not like to take action for their child’s actions. This article also said that children have a lack of supervision, and that students did not learn while growing up how to use social skills, teamwork, or even leadership. The biggest problem that they said is that media over uses the word “bully” and kids are over-exposed to social media.
In saying this, before it gets too late, parents and other guardians need to take responsibility for their child’s actions, and also show them the difference between right and wrong. It may not be easy, but with that being said there are many resources you can fall back on to get assistance. You can go to www.stopbullying.gov to find some resources.
Dear Victim,
This may be really difficult, but everyone gets through it. There is no need to sugarcoat any of it because none of it is right. No matter if they call you ugly, stupid, worthless, or say things that hurt you in anyway, you have to be strong; you need to show them that you’re better than that. Don’t ever think you need to prove yourself to others because everyone will be their own person. Everyone deserves to be his or her own person. Do not get me wrong; people may see like they are trying to find anything and everything to make your day go horribly. I cannot say what their motivation is, but being in the situation you have, it hurts. You’re going to cry, you’re going to have crazy thoughts go through your head, but always know someone is there for you, even if it is the last person you may think of, or someone you’ve never even talked to. But eventually, it will all be over, you’ll be out of the school, they will grow old and realize what they did and will feel bad. And you will be the person who is successful. You cannot let them guide you in the way they want you. They want to see you hurt; you just have to keep a smile on your face and keep going. But I can tell you one thing, it does get easier. Even if it does not seem like it, someone is always there for you, and someone will always love you. Speak to a parent, teacher or trusted adult here at UHS.
Dear Bully,
It’s hard to tell someone they are in the wrong when there is no reason why. Yes, you may be going through a lot of things, just the same as everyone else in this world. But making someone feel bad about him or herself, or even just the simple fact that you’re not happy, doesn’t mean you make someone else’s life miserable. You need to watch what you say, if you know them or if you don’t. Words do hurt a person, if you mean it in that manner or not; telling someone things that really do hurt, making someone want to do things to harm themselves. But if you are just doing this to make yourself feel better about yourself then that is just wrong, There are so many things that make a person unique or different from others and they should not be scared to come to school because of someone making fun of their flaws. In the end of all of this, the only person it will hurt in the end will be you. They will be stronger from what you put them through, and you will be weaker because you thought you were all “big and bad”.
It needs to stop, bulling is too out of hand.