UHS Students Will Not Have Class Color Day This Year
Homecoming week is something most of the Urbana High School students look forward to at the beginning of the year. It’s a way to bring the classes and student body together. This year, however, the administration has decided to take away one of the students favorite days, Class Color Day.
Class Color Day was typically done the Thursday before the homecoming game. It was a day to celebrate the different classes. Freshmen were green, Sophomores yellow, Juniors red, and Seniors had blue. This year the student body does not get to enjoy this day.
Urbana High School Senior, Steven Gray, says, “I’m mad that they took it away my senior year. Seniors have the most fun on that day. We are celebrating our last year, we should be able to do follow the traditions,”
Last year on class color day, the a group of seniors took the senior prank too far. The building and other school and community property was vandalized. These students were held accountable and many believed the situation was dropped. With the announcement of the removal of class color day it began to stir up rumors. Many of the students believed that the reason for the cancellation was because of the vandalism last year. According to UHS Principal, Matthew Stark, that is not the case.
Stark said, “After what happened last year and talking to staff we agreed that the day wasn’t what it used to be. Before it was supposed to be a day to celebrate each class. Now it has seemed to become a license to bully and haze the underclassman.”
In addition to this, Stark was informed that there were few students who wouldn’t come to school on the day because of the rumors they heard about hazing.
Even though this was the official statement provided to the students, many still believe is has to do with the senior prank from last year.
UHS English teacher, Erin Ludwick, said, “I’m curious about the conversations that went into this cancellation, because in past years bullying has always been an issue that the staff discussed concerning the homecoming theme days.”
Other teachers also report discussing these issues in the past years, but nothing was done to change the days in previous years.
Even though class color day will not be school sponsored this year, UHS classes from showing their individuality throughout homecoming week and express their Tiger Pride.