UHS Deans Crack Down on Dress Code
The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, the shorts are getting shorter, and the Urbana High School deans are cracking down on dress code infractions.
The UHS Student Handbook states, “Student pants must rest at least on the waist and must cover the legs to at least the length of the student’s fingertips when extended while standing, approximately mid-thigh.” However, that doesn’t stop students, typically girls, from pushing that rule to the limit. With the spring weather getting increasingly warmer, most girls would rather not be trapped inside jeans. So, they turn to the ever-popular athletic shorts.
“I wear Nike shorts to school for comfort and because when it gets hot I want to be cool. The dress code should be changed just from a fingertip length to knuckle length or something more reasonable,” said Sophomore Quillin Bakker. “They need to be more lenient and if nothing is hanging out, let us be.”
The neighboring Champaign School District has a different policy. Champaign Centennial High School’s Student Handbook says, “The length of shorts and skirts should be at least near fingertip length,” and Champaign Central High School’s handbook says, “Shorts or skirts with less than a four-inch inseam [are not allowed]”.
The way many shorts are made nowadays is in no means in line with school dress codes; or, at least not Urbana’s. As of now, the UHS Administration has not announced any readjustments of school dress code policies, so it appears as if the girls of our school will have to make do in jeans.