Senior Goodbye: A Bittersweet Farewell to the Echo and its Staff
My freshman year I took journalism on a whim. Throughout my life, I
have had so many interests that caught my attention and pulled me in
different directions. I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up
because I had so many ideas about what I could be one day. Journalism
combined my love for learning, teaching, and traveling as well as
exploring a plethora of topics stretching from science to music.
Through journalism, I discovered myself. Journalism has become
something that defines me as a person.
However, it is no secret that journalism as a whole is struggling to
catch up with the age of technology. News is being spread faster than
ever and the methods that bring people news have changed dramatically
in the past ten years. Print media is starting to die out as faster,
more accessible methods like online news sites and Twitter are taking
over the way media is produced. In the world today, a journalist has
to be able to research, write, photograph, tweet, design, and make a
news video for every article they write to make it reach a wide
audience and be competitive in the field.
I did not wake up one morning knowing what I wanted to do with my
life. Following my instincts, I found myself pursuing journalism at
the University of Missouri-Columbia, even though I knew it would be
difficult. I have learned priceless lessons working for the Urbana
High School Echo from Ms. Ludwick and from all the students I worked
with to create something special. Dedication, perseverance,
creativity, and teamwork are skills taught through journalism that I
will cherish for the rest of my life. The leadership and time
management skills I learned as Editor-in-Chief of the amazing Echo
staff will stick with me forever.
Although I am leaving Urbana behind for the daunting world of college,
I wish the best for all the Echo staff. It has been an incredible
honor to work with so many talented writers. I know one day I will be
able to smile and proudly say “I knew them when…”