Justin Bieber Disrespects Japanese Shrines
Outrage busted out at Justin Bieber when he visited the city’s Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on Tuesday, thinking the shrines were just a place of prayer.
He took two photos, one where his hands were clasped in prayer while standing next to a priest from the shrine. Justin Bieber got a lot of angry tweets directed at him along with people saying he should educate himself on Japanese history.
Justin Bieber posted this trying to correct his mistake. “While in Japan I asked my driver to pull over for which I saw a beautiful shrine. I was misleading to think the shrines were only a place of prayer. To anyone I have offended I am extremely sorry. I love you China and I love you Japan.”
He had no idea that the shrine was for 2.5 million wars dead from WW11. However, Wednesday and Thursday major Korean medias noted his visit and criticized him for his disregard to Korea by not mentioning them. Korean was saying Bieber lost all of his Korean fans. Financial News and Hankook Ilbo are two of the major media outlets that had headlines about him.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for the Chinese foreign ministry, Qin Gang, stated that he hopes “the Canadian singer, after visiting the Yasukuni shrine, can have a clear understanding of Japan’s history of invasion and its history of militarism.”