Google Glass
The latest gadget from the tech giant Google is the Google Glass.
They are a pair of glasses that allow you to take pictures, record and do other simple things like translations. But with these new glasses a new dilemma arises from the ground. With the glasses, you can record people on the streets without permission, and that isn’t going to be tolerated among the public. I would not want a random stranger having a recording of me or anybody else who hasn’t given permission.
This will be a big problem for the company who will have to resolve the issue or leave it to law enforcement to take care of. Many would say it is a “double-sided sword”, and as the infamous glasses continue to get more features, it will be harder to sway consumers away from them.
The government should resolve this issue now before it gets out of hand. The glasses are currently in a primitive stage and not many people know about them, so the time is now.
Of course many people will argue, “What’s the big deal?” And we shouldn’t worry about it, because it’s a gadget for the everyday person, and there are gadgets that are much stealthier than these silly looking glasses.
I personally don’t see it as a big deal. Most people would not buy these for spying, but instead for recording family gatherings, trips, and other basic activities that are harmless.
But we will have to see how these glasses will develop, and whether they are a hit or miss for Google. And it is not a cheap device, considering the shades will sell at around two thousand dollars, and most people can do a lot with two thousand dollars.