Drug Problem in Chicago
Chicago is becoming known as an excellent place for drugs. The U.S Department Of Justice named Chicago the number one destination in the U.S for heroin shipments, number two for marijuana and cocaine, and number five for methamphetamine; which makes Chicago the only U.S city to rank in the top five for all four major drug categories. The location of Chicago helps the drug market because it’s within a day’s drive of 70% of the nation’s population, according to Chicago magazine.
Drugs in Chicago have always been somewhat of a problem due to the violence they bring with them and the easy travel destination of the city.
Drugs are known to cause violence because of the illegal nature of them. The primary cause of Chicago’s violent crime problem are drug cartels, like the famous Sinola Cartel, that are known for importing drugs from Mexico to Chicago.
A UHS student, Kennedy Kindle, commented on the violence of drugs in Chicago, saying, “I think that drugs in Chicago are really bad and a lot of neighborhoods are full of them. I also think drugs in Chicago contribute to violence there.”
According to a 2000 study by University Of Chicago economics professor Steven Levitt and Columbia University sociology professor Sudhir Venkatesh, found that the availability of drugs and their prices fell by 20 to 30 percent during gang conflicts.
For instance, according to Chicago magazine, a customer of the Flores Twins Drug Cartels said, “It was strange to see such a big origination that didn’t have any acts of violence. I mean, there was nothing even close to a violent act in anything involving the Twins organizations.”
Drugs are everywhere. They exist and are a part of our society today whether people like it or not. Working together is the best solution to help solve drug problems.