What is Love?
Love is almost a describing feeling; no one really knows what the answer is. According, to dictionary.com the real definition of love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Love can be the feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend, beloved person.
When people hear the word love or are asked to describe what it is like, no one can really answer it. Love is that one feeling that no matter what your life situation is, love makes it better. Makes a person smile, gives you that funny feeling in your belly that makes you feel astonished.
“What is love?” was the number one thing that was goggled in 2012, according to www.theguardian.com. Also on that website it talks about what other people believe that means as well. However, in reality no one actually really knows what “love” is. Love, possibly may not even be real, it may just be something that people believe is true, as well. After a week of dating someone you may feel loved, or being with someone everyday such as parents or other family members your whole life may be loved too. You never really know what it is like until you get that once in a lifetime feeling. As a teenager, or even an elder, you may never feel it. Most people do, others may not, but according to www.theguardian.com. Love is one of the tops five greatest emotions can feel in their life.
“Biologically, love is a powerful neurological condition like hunger or thirst, only more permanent. We talk about love being blind or unconditional, in the sense that we have no control over it.” Said a physiologist named Jim Al-Khalili.
The words “I love you” can mean so many things. According to someone on yahoo answers, they answered, “what does “I love you” really mean. They said it from a lot of different perspectives such as with a lover, with a best friend, with a parent, or with a close friend.
They said “I have this feeling deep in my heart deep in my gut and in every nerve ending of my body for you. When you are with me I forget about ever thing else, when you are away I feel sad and have an empty feeling I have never had before not for a parent or a family member or a pet just you. The first time I realized I loved you was because you were not with me and all I wanted was to be with you and I felt like I would do anything just to see you. I feel safe and comfortable with you and it all comes so easy and you make the world make sense for the first time. When I see you come towards me I get butterflies and I am taken back at how much everything you do amazes me. I love you more than words. I never want to be without you and I never question how much I love you.”
Family member/ close friend (possibly pet maybe not though) (not child to parent or parent to child that’s different): I care about you more than words can say. I would do anything for you at any time of the day form any ware in the world. (Also applies to the one above).
Parent to child: You are my heart and my sold, you are the reason I was put on the earth. I feel like I have known you my whole life and I am just meeting you for the first time. You have filled my whole body with love. Don’t ever leave me or a part of me will be dead until the day I die. And now I would do ANYTHING for you. When I am not with you I will worry about you until I am with you again. Do not ever leave me; I will let nothing hurt you.
Child to parent: You gave me life and for that I will forever be grateful, forever thing you have done for me and everything you will still do for me I can never repay you. I would be lost without you and your guidance. I would be lonely without your hugs, kisses, and words of encourage meant. If you ever leave me I will be empty and a part of me will go with you. You will always have my love.
Love means many things for many situations it just depends on the situation and the kind of love you feel. I gave you the most common but there are more, I guess you could love anything really if you wanted to.”
According to another website called www.physcologytoday.com they can “Love is a force of nature” Also, “Love is bigger than you are.” A quote that they say that inspires me and is a really strong quote is “Love is inherently free. It cannot be bought, sold, or traded. You cannot make someone love you, nor can you prevent it, for any amount of money. Love cannot be imprisoned nor can it be legislated. Love is not a substance, not a commodity, nor even a marketable power source. Love has no territory, no borders, no quantifiable mass or energy output.”
When you really dig deep to what is the definition of love, you can come up with so many things, everyone has their own separate opinion or what their though is on it. It is how people think they love something or someone. Love can be seen as, when you’re so close to someone like a family member, when they disappear or even die. It makes you realize how much you really did love them. Or whatever you feel about that certain person.
Love is not about what a person has, or doesn’t have. It is about what they do for you that makes you happy and the little things they try to do to put the slightest smile on your face. Love is one word that is really hard to explain not very easy to put into words. But it possibly is one of the warmest feelings in the world.
Love can be descried in so many different ways, there is no way anyone can come to the words and say what it means or what it feels like. It is just something you have to experience to know what it is like.