The UHS Echo Sponsors Journalist Stanley Godia
Throughout the country, there are numerous amounts of summer camps running in 2014. Many of these camps are academically focused, and are located are highly prestigious schools. This summer, I was given the opportunity to attend such a school, through an organization known as Junior State of America (JSA).
Students who had passion for understanding the world and its surroundings through politics, government, international affairs, and other important perspectives historically founded JSA in 1934. Today, the JSA program continues to support this initiative with over 5,000 students in attendance in the last year. These students get the opportunity to exchange viewpoints, and form friendly relationships that will be remembered for a lifetime.
This year, I was accepted into the JSA program at The University of Georgetown from June 15th – July 6th. Facing a rigorous schedule of daily debates, extensive reading assignments, along with a major research paper, this program will help me sharpen my leadership skills, and improve my understanding of principles that apply to our global society. As a student I will be responsible for carrying out debates, as well as presenting. As I prepare for this great opportunity, I am also preparing to represent the Urbana Tigers to all the young scholars I work and collaborate with.
This is such a great opportunity to be involved the program and I am very thankful. But with acceptance, comes responsibility. Filling out scholarship applications, contacting different businesses and organizations, as well as creating a fundraising page are all responsibilities that have given me a new look on the future.
Having been a fundamental member of the UHS Echo since my software year, I have used my academic interest in global and local issues to fuel our program’s growing UHSBroadcasting program. I find that work in the multimedia world has provided me priceless experience, and I and honored to have the Echo sponsor me in my efforts to raise money towards the JSA camp.
I plan to bring the knowledge from my JSA experience back to my classes and journalism program, and I hope leave a legacy of success and world awareness
** If you are interested in donating to support Stanley Godia in his efforts to raise support for the JSA summer camp, please contact Journalism Adviser Erin Ludwick at or mail checks direcly to:
Attn. The Echo
1002 S Race St
Urbana, IL 61801