Justin Bieber Struggles
Justin Bieber has been in the media a lot over this last year, as he usually is, but it’s been a challenging time for the Bieber. Whether it was truthful or an ignorant rumor that a tabloid posted, Bieber has had it rough.
While he has not been convicted of any of the charges thus far, Bieber was arrested on Jan. 23, 2014. The media that surrounded the bad time for the singer was raging. He was the target of many hateful “jokes” surrounding his arrest; although he has experienced what it’s like to be a victim of hate way before this incident.
Bieber was released from jail on bond, and his court date is on March 3rd. But, against Bieber and his lawyer’s wishes, hours of video surveillance of him during the hours leading up to his court appearance were released to the general public.
Danielle Wargolet, junior, said, “It’s really stupid because they don’t do it to anyone else, just him because he’s a celebrity. It doesn’t obey his constitutional rights because they didn’t even get his permission.”
Society is so messed up when it comes to Bieber, they judge him for everything he does, and have done that publicly for some time. But his nearly 50 million beliebers have supported him the whole time, and show no signs of stopping anytime soon.
Although the judge did choose to withhold the video of Bieber that were more private, those may be released at a further date as well.
“I don’t think it’s okay [how he’s being treated], I guess as a celebrity you’re kind of under a different light, but I feel like we kind of have to draw the line somewhere and I don’t think that’s really fair that they would do that to him,” said Math Teacher and Literacy Coach Melissa Welch.
So why is Bieber under more scrutiny than others? This kind of scrutiny doesn’t happen to regular people. The public eye is on Bieber more than anyone else has experienced, and the sad part is, people actually care enough to watch ten hours of video of him basically doing nothing, simply because he is Justin Bieber. Throughout the video you can see him doing push-ups, taking a sobriety test by walking in a straight line, which of course led to every stumble being publicized all in its own, and even just walking around.
The road to fame has never been easy for Justin; he has been criticized over and over again for every little thing he does. This definitely isn’t his first run-in with hate, and it certainly won’t be his last. But where do we, as media consumers, step in and draw the line?
If you go onto either of Bieber’s YouTube channels and click on a random video of his, or even go to his Instagram and look, the comments probably won’t surprise you. While you are bound to see plenty of his beliebers confessing their love for him, you will also see an abundant amount of, well, hate. It’s not just “I don’t like your music”, it’s horrible things like “I hate you”, “Bieber could kill a whole family, set a neighborhood on fire, spit in a child’s face, and his fans would still love this f****t (anti-gay slur)”, “Justin Bieber is a punk, so is her dad”, “No one likes you”, “please kill yourself”, and many other disgusting things.
Personally comments like that disgusts me. If those were on someone’s YouTube and they weren’t famous, everyone would call it bullying and something would likely be done to stop it. So why is it okay for it to happen to Justin? Many will say it’s because he is famous. But since when does being famous excuse bullying? He is still a human being, and that’s bottom line. How would you feel if it was happening to your son or daughter? And people justified it because he or she was famous?
That’s the thing; it’s inexcusable to say things like that to anyone, period. Justin is a regular kid, well not so much a kid anymore since he recently turned 20. But he has feelings just like anyone else, and that needs to be taken into consideration.
He’s going to make mistakes just like any other person, and he’s going to do things any other teenager (not anymore) would do as well. But just think about how it is for Justin. Everything he does is followed with judgment and half of the time false information being fed to the public.
Will it always be like that for the Biebs? Probably, considering how famous he is. But hopefully he’ll learn to cope.