Confusion on Reported Urbana Death Spreads at UHS


James Zimmerman, 57 year old Urbana resident, died Monday afternoon, according to the News-Gazette.
Confusion has spread among students in Urbana High School in concern for a retired Thomas Paine teacher named James Zimmerman.
Alexia Windschitl, senior, said, “My dad went to breakfast with him just this morning.”
News of the death has spread quickly through the school with several students joining in the conversation.
Kelsea Bishop said, it was distressing to hear one of her favorite teachers had died and to find out he is still alive is a relief.
Thomas Paine confirmed that the retired teacher is still alive, and the recently passed James Zimmerman is unrelated to them.

Hopefully, a correction will be made soon to minimize the confusion in the community and allow for the morning of a great Urbana citizen. The Echo wishes the best to the family of the recently passed James Zimmerman.

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1 thought on "Confusion on Reported Urbana Death Spreads at UHS"

  1. I got to Thomas Paine school and I’m in 4th grade and in the third grade halways the girls bathroom is maybe haunted because the tiles move the bathroom stalls move and tolets flush

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