Kansas Bill
Kansas House Bill 2453 was constructed to protect citizens of the state of Kansas religious freedoms. What the bill proposed to do was to allow people whose disagreed fundamentally with another person’s “lifestyle” or went against one of their religious beliefs to refuse to work with that person.
Now, this bill also states that if the person decided to use this “freedom” and choose not to help the person, then they would have to find someone that was willing to. This bill would allow business, individuals and even government workers to to choose not to serve or work with people if their religion was against it.
This bill received many negative criticisms, as it should have, by the left wing democrats, as it would let people discriminate against same-sex couples. If this bill had passed, then paramedics tasked with saving someone’s life could choose not to work on a gay person because it went against their “religion”, and then they could find someone else to work on them. These actions are plainly ludicrous and would set up for many terrible situations where people’s lives could be lost because the paramedics would not work on their patients because they didn’t “agree” with their lifestyle.
This was all put in place to protect people’s personal freedom to practice any religion that they wanted, but what it really does is allow people to discriminate against people.
Many people have expressed their concern and dislike over this bill.
Republican State Senator Susan Wangle, as reported by MSNBC, said, “I believe that when you hire police officers or a fireman that they have no choice in who they serve.”
As far as the country has come in making the correct steps forward in making same-sex marriage legal in all 50 states, there still is much to do and there will be many more kinds of this bill to try and “protect” people against “religious persecution”, but what it really is doing is allowing unabated, uncontrolled, and hateful discrimination to occur in the state of Kansas.
The main issue with this bill is that it would have allowed state officials to ignore legally valid same-sex marriage. The bill was said to protect people’s rights to their free exercise of religion.
Luckily, the bill did not pass the house.