Opinion Piece: What Is Going On With Miley Cyrus?
When someone says Miley Cyrus, most tend to think of the girl who twerked on Santa and twerked on stage at the VMA’s, but some, on the other hand, see her as the Disney Channel star, Hannah Montana.
Cyrus has changed so much over the years just in how she presents herself. Some people tend to think that she is out to get attention from her recent break up, but others tend to see that it is her way of reaching out and showing that she is not the person on Disney that everyone saw her as.
The show that Cyrus was on is what everyone knows as “Hannah Montana”. It was first aired in 2006 and the last episode was aired in 2011. On April 10, 2009 the “Hannah Montana Movie” came out. From that day, she started starring in a lot of movies and some TV shows. She was in the movie The Last Song with Liam Hemsworth, and they eventually dated, which is one reason why people believe she is crying for help or to get attention. Cyrus lately has been in the news a lot for all of the “crazy” things she has done, such as cutting off her hair. The Wrecking Ball video where she was naked swinging on a “wreaking ball”. People wanted to talk about how she was “a slut”, “a tramp”, “dirty and scary”, and “the next Madonna”.
I happen to believe she is showing how she really is. On Hannah Montana, everyone saw her as someone she wasn’t. They saw her as someone who was an idol to millions of little girls. In elementary school, I remember her songs being on the radio or even on TV. I had her albums and listened to them on a day-to-day basis. She was my idol until the show went off air.
By then she was not in the news as often. Then, around end of 2012, she started saying that she was coming out with new music. She got a lot of fame for that. Then a little bit after that she recently broke up with Hemsworth, and everyone thought they were the “cutest couple”. So when they broke up, it was all in the news. A little bit after that she cut her long, beautiful hair and donated her hair to cancer and everyone said she was “ugly”, “trashy” and “gross”. However, all she did was give her hair to someone else who could use it. Oct. 27, 2013 Cyrus had an interview with the New York Daily and she told them, “Even people who want to hate on me, they can’t even shut down the fact that I’m literally what everyone is talking about.”
She does not see that what she is doing is wrong because she is just expressing herself in a way no one can understand but her, herself. She doesn’t want to be seen as “Hannah Montana”; she wants to be seen as “Miley Cyrus”.
Oct. 4, 2013 she came out with her first album, Bangerz, since her albums she had while the show was on TV. The top song was, of course, Wreaking Ball, followed by Adore You. Fans on twitter have stated, “I love Miley, she is forever my #wcw,” and, “Miley Cyrus is gorgeous, I love her so much.”
Cyrus has a planned tour called the “Bangerz Tour” that starts Feb. 16. Her first show is in Tacoma, Wash. Cyrus’ fans are extremely excited because she is going all over the world for this tour of over 30 shows and almost all tickets are already sold out. The VIP tickets are all gone. When you go on twitter or even just fan websites, you can see that fans are so excited for this concert. One fan on twitter stated, “SO HAPPY MY MOM BOUGHT ME VIP TICKETS FOR MILEY FOR CHIRSTMAS!!! Can’t wait.” Others are still in their own bubble hating on her for what she has become.
While everyone fan girls over everything Cyrus does right, there are also those people who find every little thing that she can do wrong and make it seem like no other person in this world does it. If you type Miley Cyrus’ name on Google, the top thing will 95 percent of the time be bad about her. Such as “Miley Cyrus disses on Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift fans” or “The one outfit Miley’s manager does not approve of”. No matter what people say, at the end of the day, Miley is going to be Miley, and no one can stop her. Maybe she will lose her fame; maybe she won’t. All she needs is the people to support her. She is human. When people say bad things, no matter what it’s going to get to her. She has emotions too. She may be crazy, but that’s her. People only want to see her fall just like they do anyone else. As long as they get what they want, that’s what they see.
“I think she plays a big role on the teenage girls now. It is a joke the way she carries herself,” said Junior Ibrahim Odeh.
On Jan. 11, Cyrus tweeted “I get called an ugly lesbian a lot more than one would think. Or maybe not. Can u atleast call me an interesting lesbian? I hate the U word.”
No matter what anyone says about her, at the end of the day she is still a really strong person. Also, after reading all of her tweets, you can see why people call her the things they do. Honestly, if you get on any 21-year-old’s twitter, there is a big chance that you’re going to see the exact same things. Yes, she tweets about “turnin up”. Celebrities will do them. People think that when they say or do things it hurt the person. Yes, it may hurt them to a certain degree. When you have someone supporting every decision you make and have over millions of fans, why listen to the people who don’t like you for who you are.
Dean Price Hammond said, “I have no opinion about her because she hasn’t been a star since Hannah Montana, she comes from a talented family and she is choosing her path and how she does things. How she presents herself is how the press will show it. Any press is good and so she isn’t that nobody ever again. She will do anything to be in the press.”
Everyone see Cyrus portrayed in the news as this “slutty 21 year old girl”. When you go on twitter and read tweets about what people have to say about her, it’s all people in my generation talking bout how talented she is and how pretty she is. However, you also have some people tweeting “Since Miley does not like being called ‘ugly’ I wonder how she likes to be called a ‘physco twerking whore’”.
Some people see her as she is bad person, but personally I do not see it. She is just someone who expresses who they are in a completely different light than what society wants. Cyrus doesn’t live for other people. She lives for herself. All she does is write music to make people happy. Yes, she dresses crazy, yes, she twerked on stage on live TV, and yes, she posted a picture on Instagram of her smoking, but at the same exact time, you have to think about people who aren’t famous and do that on a day-to-day basis. Think of it like this, there are over five million videos on YouTube of just girls’ twerking.
Always see what is around you before you judge a celebrity for things that they do that everyone else does as well. You possibly might just think she is trying to blend in to become normal and seem like she is like everyone else. You can’t always assume a celebrity is trying to stand out by doing crazy things when the rest of the word does the same thing. It could just be her trying to blend in.
I doubt she even knows.