Justin Bieber Receives Negative Press, Conflicting Reports
Justin Bieber seems to always be in the media, but this past year the tone has been negative. For a 19-year old with five number one albums, he’s doing pretty well by normal standards. However, some online news engines still seem to find a reason to “hate on” him and focus on the more negative news and mistakes made by the young star.
Recently, Bieber’s been all over media for allegedly egging his neighbor’s house. That incident received more media attention over the past week than things like school shootings or kidnappings. That is another concern in media and news coverage that is typical these days and separate from entertainment.
Bieber reportedly went to his neighbor’s house last week one night and threw nearly two-dozen eggs, reportedly. Police took it to another level when they got a search warrant to search Biebers property for evidence that could connect him to the egging. They had around 12 L.A sheriffs, just to search his home. Bieber cooperated and was not arrested.
However, his close friend, Rapper Lil Za, was arrested for possession of drugs. At first, the drugs were believed to be cocaine. After further investigation, it is now being analyzed and is rumored to be a mixture of ecstasy and xanex.
The investigation is not complete, so it cannot be determined at this time if Bieber is truly guilty of this charge. He is still not totally off the hook, considering the decision is not final yet. The D.A. can choose to charge Bieber with felony vandalism, misdemeanor vandalism, or not charge him depending on if they can prove he is guilty.
As if the egging was not enough to deal with for Biebers fans, beliebers, the young star had a run in with the cops yet again in the early hours of Thursday, Jan 23. Allegedly, Bieber and his close friend Khalil were drag racing in Miami, going way past the speed limit of 30 mph.
Bieber did not have a license and resisted arrest nonviolently. While in the beginning of this media filled report, Bieber was said to have been over the legal limit when it came to his blood alcohol level. It has been confirmed that he was only at a .014 BAC, which is next to nothing. Another thing that’s a little strange is that Bieber and his friend were driving rented vehicles. So, the rental company has GPS tracking which reveals that they were actually under the speed limit when cops claimed otherwise. On top of that, there is video of them at the time, and they clearly were not going fast.
“I saw his latest movie, and I think he’s very talented. I don’t really know what to think of it all. I just believe he’s gotten arrogant, but I think he’ll grow out of it one of these days,” said Dean Secretary Tricia Earp.
So the question is, is Bieber guilty? Is his friend guilty? Or is this all the result of lying cops? Further investigation will surely reveal the truth, but until then his beliebers are sticking by his side, and the critics are still of plenty so not much has changed.