Alex Rodriguez Interview

Is it too late to revoke my previously stated opinions about the A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez) steroid scandal? In light of recent evidence, or should I say interviews aired, my optimistic beliefs that A-Rod was possibly not guilty have been squashed.
After watching the tell-all interview with Anthony Bosch, aired on CBS’s 60 Minutes, the candid secrets Bosch shared were quite eye-opening for myself, along with many other viewers. Bosch, who is the former founder anti-aging clinic Biogenesis, was the mastermind behind this entire operation. And, if I do say so myself, he did a superb job of not only making sure the drugs he offered to Rodriguez were the most effective ones for the game, but concealing and executed it as well. With anecdotes revolving around the insane measures taken to keep their cheating a secret, Bosch’s frankness was very convincing.
Bosch: “People coming in and out of the men’s room, I take it.”
CBS’s Scott Pelley: “And you’re in a stall with Alex Rodriguez drawing his blood?”
Bosch: “Yes. As crazy as that sounds.”
In this scenario Bosch shows the lengths the duo went to to not be caught – in a bathroom stall in a Miami nightclub, drawing a MLB player’s blood so as not to fail a drug test. Not your ordinary business, and certainly not an easy lie to makeup on one’s own.
In all honesty, if not for this no holds barred segment I would not be nearly as believing as I am now inclined to be. But, I still do not feel as if A-Rod should be punished as harshly as he is (a 162 game suspension). To many, performance-enhancing drugs are simply a part of America’s favorite past time. The history of baseball has too many victims of steroid use to name, many of which could easily go down in the Hall of Fame if not for their slipups. Just to paint you a picture…
Mark McGwire: one of the best home run hitters ever and the current hitting coach for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Barry Bonds: the all-time Home Run King with a whopping 762 career homers.
Roger Clemens: known as one of the best pitchers ever with 354 career wins under his belt.
The list is endless. And yes, while it is cheating, these athletes still have a certain amount of undeniable skill, with or without steroids (that does include A-Rod). A reputation is one thing to build up, but the fact of the matter is, these players are just plain good. They would not have made it into the Majors’ in the first place if not for good, clean skill. And not being able to resist the temptations of steroids is almost understandable when thinking about the millions of dollars on the line here.
But, as for A-Rod his chance to rebuild his tarnished reputation is not totally dismal. He is expected to be at spring training with the Yankees, although whether or not they will terminate his contract or not is still up in the air. Whatever happens the steroid slugger will still be receiving $61 million.