Adult Men Fight Over Movie Theatre Texting, One Dead
Ex-police captain Curtis Reeves, 71,was arrested Jan. 13 at a Wesley Chapel, Fla., movie theater for fatally shooting 43 year-old Chad Oulson over a texting issues, according to an ABC News report.
Oulson’s wife was also injured in the attack when she tried to prevent her husband from getting shot. There was an argument between Reeves and Oulson because Oulson was texting his 3-year-old daughter’s babysitter before the movie, “Lone Survivors,” started.
Reeves went to tell management about the issue, and when he returned to the theater the argument became more heated, according to police. Oulson threw popcorn on Reeves, who allegedly reacted by shooting Oulson in the chest. Two off-duty nurses on the scene tried to revive him with no luck. The dispute ended with Chad Oulson and his wife, Nichole, being flown to Tampa General Hospital were Mr. Oulson was pronounced dead.
Nichole Oulson told a New York Daily News reporter: “He brought an unfair life sentence to me, to have to raise my daughter alone, to have to live without the love of my life, for my daughter to grow up without her daddy by her side for graduation and marriage.”
Reeves has been charged with second-degree murder without bond, according to ABC News.
The reason for the shooting, according to Reeves, was because he said he was “in fear of being attacked.”
Jamira Dixon reported a similar experience with Reeves on Dec. 28 at the same movie theater. At that time, Reeves got upset over her texting and asked her to stop. After she shut off her phone, he went to talk to another person about their texting. Then Dixon said she was followed to the bathroom and felt “uncomfortable.” According to Dixon, his wife was “egging him on.” When Reeves left, Dixon said he seemed upset.
UHS Junior Isiah Sullivan said, “I think it is outrageous that an ex-police officer would shoot a guy for texting. I also believe people shouldn’t have guns without someone checking for their mental stability first.”
Devastating events like this bring up the old gun debate. People have their own opinions on whether guns should be legal. The situation with Reeves is no exception to the question of whether to allow guns or not. Gun control laws differ among states, but in Florida (where the shooting took place), the law states: “The right of people to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves and of the lawful authority of the state shall not be infringed, except that the manner of bearing arms may be regulated by law (according to the State Provisional Constitution).” The law for gun control includes a stand-your-ground policy that Reeves may use as a defense for the shooting.
Someone getting shot at a movie theater for texting is an outlandish thing that happened. The focus should be on how to better protect people in places like movie theaters, where you’re focusing on a screen in a dark room with many other people. The scenario seems like a place for disaster to happen, but movie theaters are supposed to be safe. A movie theater should be a safe place where you can forget about your problems in life and watch a movie. Movie theaters shouldn’t be a place where people are afraid to take their children for fear of a similar situation happening like the one that occurred Jan. 13.